As a paper presenter, you have to submit the abstract of your research paper for approval. The abstract should be a summary of a research paper and is expected to meet the academic standards. Please submit your abstract to with a brief biography. We encourage you to send an informative abstract (complete abstract) which is a summary of a paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion.
To present your research paper at the 2nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020 (AIMR’20) you have to send your abstract on or before the abstract submission deadline.
Submit your abstract to :
Abstract Submission Deadline : 17 September 2020
How to Prepare the Abstract
Prepare Your Abstract in the Following Format
Please submit your biography with the abstract in the following format:
After Submitting of Your Abstract
Please Note :
single registration valid for only one participant to attend the conference, if the co-authors would like to attend the conference their registration is required to be made separately (one author of the abstract must register first for the conference, then only the co-author rate is applicable)
Paper Submission Guidelines
All the registered participants of the 2nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020 (AIMR’20) are encouraged to submit full text of research papers giving a description of their research with the background, including results, figures, tables, drafts, findings, conclusions and references.
Submit your paper to :
Final full paper Submission Deadline : 06 November 2020
Manuscript Format
Standard Structure of the Research Paper
This structure you can follow for your guidance and you are free to include your own structure depending on your research and the method you have used. However, there should be an abstract, introduction, research methodology, outcome of your research, discussions, findings, conclusions and references.
Research paper should contain an abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and citation-free and should not exceed 250 words.
In the introduction you should state the objectives of the work and provide a satisfactory background of the study.
Method and Materials
You should provide adequate details about the research method you had used to reach the conclusion in this section. Materials already published before somewhere else should be indicated by a correct reference.
Result should be clear and concise and relevant to the study.
In this section you should explore the importance of the results of the research work. Avoid broad citations and discuss about the published literature.
Conclusions and Future Recommendations
The main conclusions and future recommendations of the study must be presented in this section.
All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the paper before the references and may include support received from university colleagues and other interviewed participants to the questionnaire of the research study.
Reference Style
The list of references should appear at the end of your research paper. Please include references of all materials you have cited in your research paper. Harvard-style of referencing should be used right through the paper. That is, author(s) last name, first name(s) and year of publication, followed by the source and the publisher. References should be listed in alphabetical order and all lines other than the first line should be indented.
Reference List
Should be prepared according to the Harvard-style referencing and instructions mentioned under the ‘Submission Format’.
Declaration statement by the participants
The participants of the conference have to declare that their research paper is an original and its results have not been published previously in the same form elsewhere.
Declaration Statement Form
I / We do hereby declare that the manuscript titled “…………………………………………...” submitted to the 2nd Asia International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2020 (AIMR’20) is original, has not been published before and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
1st Author’s name - ……………………………….
2nd Author’s name - ……………………………….